For legal reasons, I cannot divulge the meaning of this particular depiction. Let's just say this is a portrayal of two halfwits force-feeding the hero of the picture a giant can of their terrible job.
All in good fun, former coworker, should you be reading this. =B
Hey, I rendered Rex and Ryan in hilariously unflattering ways, so number yourself amongst the greats.
The greatest internet meme since "Bitches Don't Know..." and "Soon," Bring It On/Come At Me, Bro Pikachu is the alternate internets identity of artist and noted aggressor/defender John Yohan Hwang. John Hwang was born in some foreign land that has more than three distinct vowels in the halcyon year of 1983. One time, he (thunder)punched a Seel. Since then, he generally spends his time reading, drawing, breeding and rearing exquisite Pokemans, Bringing It On, or awaiting Coming Ats.