Thursday, February 28, 2013


A piece of artwork meant for a blog header for my old coworker, Joynisha.  Literally took me three or so years on and off to finish.

Lazy?  Yes.  BUT I keep my promises... eventually.  And sometimes.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Been working on my Flash Animation Portfolio.  Need a job now.  Like, now now.

Wish I had some Neutrino-Crack to sling around.

Also, probably my identity got stolen.  Protip:  Do not just give out your Social Security number to shady-ass anyone.  Shit's getting real for me.

Anyhoo, 'til the next one...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Noone Does It Better

My ode to one of the sassiest "slip shit past the radar" scenes in modern animation, viewable here:
Fun Fact:  This piece sat on my desktop mostly completed for the past year. :P

Well, me ain't...
